Yes. This is a joke.

I love to do photo sessions spoofing ridiculous trends/photo trends/poses. (See here, here and here for my favorites I've concocted and shot, but previously felt they were too "controversial" for this blog :)

This time, I'm making fun of my mom's "nakey" photo of the two of us when I was a babe. Isn't Evie lucky she can recreate it with me? (Ps... we say her name Eh-vee.)

Notice my mom's amazing mullet -which she said was called The Double 7s. Good times.

and a few more.. with clothes on.

© 2011 nicole hill gerulat, all rights reserved.Thanks to Kara for pulling the trigger and Mom for helping recreate and letting me make fun.


  1. Hilarious!

    You're gorgeous lady and you little E is beautiful too!

  2. That is hilarious!

    You and Evie are gorgeous. I love her spring pictures.

  3. Love this! You and little Evie are so beautiful!

  4. I can't believe the resemblance between you and your mom. Such a beautiful photo of you and your sweet Evie.

  5. You look amazing and your little girls is so precious

  6. Ok, your imitation is HILARIOUS, and the other 2 are simply gorgeous! you can see evie's sweet personality through every picture.

  7. Love it Nichole! Beautiful women and children always make great pictures...even Nakie!

  8. Love these pictures!!! You and little Evie look like models!

  9. You and Evie are so gorgeous! And I am definitely not sick of seeing pics of her! :) This is truly hilarious....


  10. Ha ha ha I love all the spoofed photo sessions! You and miss Evie are just beautiful.

  11. Definitely awkwardfamilyphoto worthy!

  12. I'm so glad that you got the pictures that you wanted! Gorgeous baby and gorgeous mommy.

  13. wait I love these! I wanna do them with Mia. Evie is a doll face, and Im so happy I got to meet her:)

  14. So funny, really but mostly because I have a confession to make- I remember seeing all those photos of your mom and each child in your kitchen growing up, and I loved them. So when I had my kids, I did the same thing, for real. Love it :)

  15. haha! this is awesome. i love that you do these funny shoots. the last ones are so cute!!

  16. haha I LOVE these spoofs!!! You definitely have my vote to do more.

  17. At first I thought you're gonna edit the photo. It looks like it is! You do have the resemblance of your mom, and little Evie on you. Lovely photos!

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  18. You and the babes are gorgeous! I love all past/present photos, it's inspiring. I come from a family of ten kids, and when I was doing my wedding video it was difficult to find hardly any photos when I was little...just one of those things I guess. :)

  19. Little is is so cute and you are so hilarious!

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  20. those top 2 pics are a hoot, but you and your mom both look gorgeous in them! and the bottom 2 are beautiful too!

  21. these are great ... even the "nakie" shot of you and your daughter is pretty. the other three spoofs on your sister's site are hilarious! thanks for sharing!

  22. LOL oh man too funny! (and then just beautiful:)

    There are so many poses/styles in photography that make me CRINGE!!

  23. Gorgeous! I love mother daughter pictures, including the one of you and your mom. :) I have to say I'm glad the hairsprayed-to-death look has gone out of style...

  24. You and your mum are gorgeous ladies and you little E is beautiful too!

  25. Favorite post you have ever had. Thanks for the links to the others. Amazing!

  26. Love the recreated portrait! Such beautiful ladies!! I think you should frame them together - adorable!!

  27. This is SO darling! What a sweet are all gorgeous :)

  28. What beautiful photos, you are very talented! i look forward to having a browse through your blog, thanks for visiting me and leaving a message too.


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