Spring Has Sprung

Sorry. I couldn't help posting even more pictures of my little Lou. Are you tired of them yet? I hope not. Happy Spring, everyone!

Here she is on Easter Sunday in her little Easter dress:

© 2011 nicole hill gerulat, all rights reserved.


  1. I adore the second one! The focus is breathtaking. And we'll never tired of pictures of cute little ones : )

  2. What beautiful ideas for outdoor photos - love them all, but second one the best! Happy Easter!

  3. Love! And that dress...where is it from (dare I ask?). I need it!

  4. those pictures are fabulous- of course i wouldn't expect any less from you! she is sooooo adorable! that dress is the cutest thing ever... well you're little one is the cutest thing ever but that dress is gorgeous!

  5. She's a cutie! I almost put Elle in that dress for Easter! It was so hot here in FL though, so we opted for a light little sundress instead. It is to die for though!!

    And I recently tried to play dress-up with her in this little number again: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2dbSQYFdkKQ/TPG_lH8eKuI/AAAAAAAAAnw/KrCnLjZA-ks/s1600/5.bmp

    She wasn't having it... :-/

  6. Oh my goodness, that dress is GORGEOUS. And what an amazing location.

    Freckles in April

  7. never sick of baby pics, you could even use more! she is adorable and that dress is amazing! where is it from?

  8. How could someone get sick of beautiful pictures of a beautiful little girl? Keep on posting!

  9. Loving Evie with all the pink blossoms...so sweet.

  10. Thanks, everyone!

    Dress is from babyGap

  11. Such a pretty baby and such a pretty dress!

  12. She is absolutely adorable, and such a great model! Love the mohawk :)

  13. My dear you have good taste. I bought Wren the same dress=). Evie is adorable!!!

  14. evie is super immodest. i can see her line. still cute though.

  15. What!? She sits up already!! Shes a week older than my son (or something close) and he's just barely rolling around :p
    She is too cute for words! Love these pics

  16. I'll tell you what-I think my kid is the cutest, but yours is a very close second. she is darling

  17. Gorgeous photos! That tree is so pretty and I love Evie's dress! Where did you get it?

  18. Wow, if only I had your skills! All gorgeous pics and like the others, the tree pic is to die for!

  19. She's beautiful and so lucky to have such a talented mother to capture her life on film.

  20. What a doll. I can't think of another word to describe her.


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