I'm beyond thrilled to announce the brand-new NicolesClasses.com! You'll find our new site filled with free tutorials, downloads, teacher tips, news and more.

Check out these exciting new things:
- a killer 25% off sale (but wait! are you a newsletter subscriber? check your inbox for an even better deal.)
- a Mother's Day contest where you can win 2 free classes.
- lots of free tutorials from our teachers (ever wonder how to make a chevron pattern? click here.)
- a newM-F blog featuring teacher tips, free downloads and more! we currently have a really sweet Mother's Day download.

Can you tell I'm excited? So much hard work from our team has gone into this site. We are hoping you'll want to come back often to continue learning through our tutorials and have fun with our free downloads at NicolesClasses.com! .


  1. Hey, I got an e-mail newsletter this morning, but it only had the %25 off code. Is there really an even better one? :)

  2. Read to the end of the newsletter! It's in bold. :)

  3. Wow! I feel dumb...I totally missed reading that. Thanks!

  4. Congratulations! I love the new website and blog!


Thank you for commenting! I try my hardest to answer your questions through the same post, but if you don't hear from me soon, please email. xoxo. ng