5 Hollywood-Inspired Themes by Real Simple

Had a wonderful time shooting these 5 Hollywood-Inspired themes for Real Simple, styled by the ridiculously talented Elizabeth Maclennan. Definitely click here for the real story and more photos, but here is a preview:

photos by nicole hill gerulat, styling by elizabeth maclennan, story by krissy tiglias for real simple


  1. I know this is weird coming from a stranger but man... I get so jealous of your talent, the awesome shoots and all the rockin' people you get to meet/hang out with! (:

    You. are. awesome.

  2. I love all of those ideas! I will have to keep them in mind for a party later on.

  3. I threw a Wonder Woman party for my friend's 40th birthday and it was just about the most fun I have ever had throwing a party.

  4. i love all of the nail polishes... happy weekend!


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