Evie's First Birthday!

Today is Evie's First Birthday! I can't believe it has been a year since I had that precious baby. Last night, we celebrated her birthday with our immediate family.

I didn't go overboard in planning, but really wanted to make these lamb cupcakes from Martha Stewart Baby since lambs are Evie's favorite. (I'll show you her sweet invitation soon!)

Evie was so funny with her cake. She was more concerned with licking the frosting off her fingers than taking handfuls of cake. Watch the video at the end!

Oh, and true to Evie fashion, she mastered another milestone on her birthday. (She always does a new trick on the monthiversary.) This time, she stood on her own for 10 seconds!

Happy Birthday, sweet baby! We love you.

Evie's rocking chair from Mommy & Daddy.
Inside her cake was lemon buttercream and lemon curd. Other cupcakes were vanilla and dark chocolate.

We didn't even have to take it away from her. When she was finished, she pushed it off the high chair.

The question was, who had more fun? The aunts, Mommy, Yaya or Evie?
After all the amazing presents from family, Evie played most with her balloons. :)


  1. Happy first birthday to Evie! Those smash cake pictures are absolutely adorable.

  2. aw cute pictures! Happy Birthday to her!!

  3. That was a fast year! Happy Birthday to Evie!!

  4. She is so sweet! Those lamb cupcakes! To die for. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!

  5. Happy birthday little one! Looks like she had a great time...one year is one of my favorite ages. It seems like they learn something new every day!

  6. I love all this!! Specially love the little sheep cupcakes. Boy you have some skills! I want to learn how to make those. Start doing some of your cooking classes again!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Evie! The party looked lovely.

  8. what a little birthday doll! she is a beautiful little girl and that is so exciting that she turned the big one! what great photos.


  9. Happy Birthday, Evie! What a gorgeous little girl you have.

  10. Happy Birthday Evie! Such a cutie! Funny too - pushing her cake off the high chair! :D

  11. That was just adorable! Love the cupcakes, and those had to be the cutest pictures ever!

  12. So adorable that she pushed the cake off the high chair!!!


  13. I've followed your work for a few years now, and I must say Evie is definitely your best work yet! ;) Can't believe she's 1, looks like she had a very happy birthday!

  14. What a sweet and simple 1st birthday. It was devine looking.The lamb cupcakes are my favorite details

  15. Oh she is so cute! Our little guy just had his first bday, its so much fun!

  16. Evie's facial expressions - way too cute for words. Happy Birthday.


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