New Cover: Kiwi Magazine Nov '11

Here is my latest cover for Kiwi Magazine. (I just shot my 4th cover with them two weeks ago.) It was such a fun shoot because the morning was spent dedicated to the cover and a few insets (six 4-yr-olds!) and the afternoon was a great Thanksgiving food story that was beautifully food styled by Mariana Velasquez. See more of her work here... just beautiful. Anyway, two of my favorite things to photograph: kids and food!


  1. You are a busy gal Nicole. Congrats on all your success.

    I"m doing a $50 Lululemon giveaway on my site I thought you might be interested in. Hope you are well!

  2. Beautiful photos! I love this shoot! Cute kids and yummy food... can't go wrong with that!


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