In Case You Missed It!

Here's my bit on KSL's Studio 5 today:

Oh and ps... Don't be surprised if I don't do anything clever this year for our Christmas cards. I'm serious.


  1. you look fantastic!!!
    what are you talking about?! make up, hair everything perfect!
    and so eloquent!

    what's with that LOUD john mayer overdub?

  2. Super cute Nicole! Loved seeing my teacher on the television :)

  3. SUPER cute, nicole! loved seeing all the holiday cards, they are so darling!

  4. You are the cutest, Nicole. For real. You look gorgeous, you sound smart and eloquent. Love your cards!

  5. Hot mama! 47 pounds....whatever. Your cards are amazing, I loved this

  6. I'm with Natalie, you were perfect! I have loved seeing the Christmas cards over the last few years.

  7. so cute! love the boots and love the necklace. you did great!!!

  8. Loved this segment! I'm not a scrapbooker but I do love to create a great Christmas card each year. Great tips! Also, you do look fabulous. By any chance are those boots the new Frye Carson Buckle?

  9. Ah thanks, everyone!

    Lynette, my boots are last years's Enzos

  10. We just took our Christmas card pictures on the bed in casual clothes, spur of the moment. Thanks for validating it! :) Hehe.

  11. Very creative and fun! That's the problem with my family...we are not creative at all!!


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