Shave Ice Party!

My dad brought the first shave ice machine to Utah in the 70s and started selling. Within a year, there were loads of copycats selling shave ice on corners. In 7th grade, I started up shop with my own shave ice business, carting my equipment in a blue wagon and selling my ice. I even had regulars coming for my shave ice...and I built up one really great bicep.

Over the years, our machine has broken and rusted but hurrah! It's fixed! (Thank you, Dad, Adam and FIL!) We have shave ice for dessert at least 4x a week now and I want to share it with you so I'm throwing us a party.

At first, I was going to wait until my braces were off, but I'd like for you to see me in my 7th grade finest. Details below, but I'd like to add:

•I have awesome flavors: Bubblegum, Cherry, Coconut, Lime, Pina Colada, Tigers Blood, Rootbeer, and I think I'm forgetting two more.
•This is technically cocktail hour and won't ruin your night.
•My sisters -including MIM- will be there. A Hill girl circus you won't want to miss.
•I'll have our textbooks there -on sale for $20. (You know I rarely discount the Photo 101 book, so I hope to see you there.)
•Don't forget to bring your textbook so I can give you bottomless shave ice.
•Shave Ice makes everyone really really happy.
•Pretty sure I'll set up Badminton too.
•You're cool and I want to meet you. See you Friday!


  1. and i will be there! super not dumb. sorry shauna :]

  2. Tempting! I'll have to see if I can squeeze it in!

  3. We're leaving Friday for our summer vacation. Wish it was a day earlier, but that's the way it goes. Hope to meet you and your sisters another time.

    Have fun!

  4. I LOVE shaved ice. Red raspberry. Yum.

    Too bad we already have commitments that night. If there's a repeat next summer I'm there!

  5. I remember cranking out shave ice on the corner with you! We're in UT for a few days so I think I'll stop by with my kiddos. Excited to see you!

  6. Aw, I won't be in Utah until three weeks later! Sounds fun!

  7. SO wish I could be there! I really want to buy your books and this is a price I could afford!

  8. wish I could come, but the drive from Oregon is just to long. Sounds fun. Kate from deer valley retreat.

  9. I'm sad I didn't see this until now. I was even in Provo last night :(

  10. I'm sad I didn't see this until now. I was even in Provo last night :(

  11. I'm so sad I missed this!! The only Friday we are out of town... such a bummer.


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