drip drip drop little april showers

all hell broke loose in the form of some water damage from the apartment upstairs.. ugh. what a nightmare. what i'm most upset about is the 5 Donna Hay magazines that are ruined. the website i used to use for backorders won't ship to the US anymore --anyone have any other suggestions?


  1. To what countries will they ship the backorders to?

  2. Oh I'm so sorry Nicole. You must have gotten a piece of the same storm.

    Good luck!

  3. sorry to hear. but at least it looks like it is properly contained! (my line of work is indoor air quality, and that is what it should look like at this point if the right company is doing it!)

  4. If they ship to India I may be able to help you out.

  5. you can ship them to my PO box and I can forward them on... I'm in Aus :) I would hate it if I lost my Donna Hay's!!

  6. i got your photo 101 book in the mail today!!! im in LOVE! thanks :)

  7. so sorry to read about that... unfortunately have no solutions for this.... ;(

  8. Hey Nicole, I'm one of your australian readers...I'd be happy for you to order them and send them to my address and then I can forward them to you...since i'm a 'must have that donna hay magazine' person myself!!! :)


Thank you for commenting! I try my hardest to answer your questions through the same post, but if you don't hear from me soon, please email. xoxo. ng