diaper bag: storksak

my stylin' cousin was sporting this diaper bag from storksak and i'm in love. they just look like a great purse... and the man bag is awesome. ok. i can have a baby now that there is so much cool stuff to buy.


  1. Very cute!

    I opted for a Reese Li myself (she's local to where I live now). My hubby isn't ashamed to carry it either :)


  2. These are cute! My husband insisted on Petunia Pickle Bottom's Scout (man bag). It's great! I love that bottom man bag, too!

  3. I'm glad you posted this. This is the diaper bag I have. I'm glad you approve.

  4. I had a storksac bag and loved it!!! It has lasted through both my babies and looked great. My girls are just twelve months apart so it got double duty!

  5. i just bookmarked this site ... thank you!!


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