desk for sale

i have two of these desks from ikea and am selling one ($20 -pickup only in pacific heights). the sawhorses and desk top are separate which makes it easy to store.

59" wide, 29" deep, 29" high with saw horses.

email me if you're interested:


  1. Hi. I'm interested in the desk, but what are its dimensions?

  2. Sorry, this is not about the desk, but I was wondering where you got the shelves? Thanks!

  3. Love it!! I spent nearly $400 in ikea this last week on bookselves, vases, white dishes, toys for my dog, and plenty more. I adore ikea! What kind of shelves are they?


Thank you for commenting! I try my hardest to answer your questions through the same post, but if you don't hear from me soon, please email. xoxo. ng