art house scoop

i signed up to take part in this little gallery --and then never followed through -silly me. I still think it's going to be awesome and am heading there tomorrow night for some inspiration.


  1. that does look amazing. that would be sweet to have in my own house.

  2. The hand drawn type on the poster is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have some of my photos on was fun to shoot with the simplicity of the disposible camera. Art House Co-op has moved away from Atlanta =( Oh too bad you didn't participate...but I know how it is- I just sent mine in barelyby the deadline! Glad you get to see the exhibit..look for mine with the vertical photos{K ellie Honea} =)

  4. I love Art House. They have such awesome projects.

  5. I did a Art house project a while back - the scavenger one. It was fun!
    All those photos look great.

  6. Ah! Too bad I already have plans tonight Or I'd go take a looksee.


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