ALS is growing!

Right now, our fabulous Nicole's Classes team includes Mike (teacher/author) Alma (teacher/author) and Victoria (e-marketing) but we are growing and there is much more work to be done!

I'm looking for an daytime assistant who can help 5-10 hrs/week at my place in Pacific Heights, SF. Phone and email skills are a must. $12/hr. I play good music and am a generally happy person. :) If you are interested, please email me at Thanks!

online class update: i finished all my work today which means that all we are waiting on are the programmers! they are fantastic and should be ready for testing in the next couple weeks. if you won an online class at art weekend, get ready to start in february!


  1. If I was in SF, I would definitely apply! But good luck finding someone! :)

  2. I wish I lived there or could quit my job.
    Nothing else is holding me to Fresno.
    Good luck finding someone (like me).
    (Just kidding, I'm not that stuck up. lol)

  3. oh how i would love to work with you! if only i lived closer. dang. looking forward to the online classes!

  4. Love your blog! Just wanted to let you know I've added you to my blogroll!

  5. I'm wondering if the online class will include the textbook too...looking forward to the details.

  6. don't you want an online assistant? we can do video conferences... :)

  7. I love this picture! What is the lighting/camera set up for this photo?


Thank you for commenting! I try my hardest to answer your questions through the same post, but if you don't hear from me soon, please email. xoxo. ng