ksl studio 5 recap

hey hey! well that was one morning!

the tv segment this morning went well --though i was beet red with cotton mouth. seriously.. what is wrong with me? i can teach thousands, but throw a camera in front and it's a different story. fortunately the online class videos turned out well.

anyway, just wanted to share some of the new photos you might have missed.

special thanks to brooklyn who came over at 8am to take these last minute, my mom for being my moral support and hair and makeup team, and for the lovely products.... headbands: old soul new heart and love, taza; booties: peekaboo monkey

© nicolephoto.com


  1. love the hairband in the second picture.

  2. My sister called to tell me that you were on and she said she loved all of your ideas/suggestions. You really are a genuine, unique, timeless and talented person!

  3. Nicole, here is a link to your Studio 5 stuff: http://studio5.ksl.com/?nid=59&sid=8956885

    I haven't watched it all yet but I will soon! :)

  4. the headband looks great! so glad it worked out!


    p.s. i'm dying to see it.

  5. just watched it. what are you talking about? you look and sound AMAZING. well done!


  6. The boots are out of this world adorable... cuteness


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