Bella Figura Wedding Invitation Line

Coincidentally, another one of my clients (also a stationer) posted the images I shot for them this week, too! Bella Figura's letterpress are a completely different style than those I previously posted, which also called for a different style of photography and styling. Mallory and I styled these shots to give the invitations a more quirky edge. Aside from the first two shots, these are completely different than what I normally shoot and style, but it was a really fun assignment... and the animals were so nice! 

I also whipped out the flashlight and completely lit half the shots with the flashlight alone. It was fun. I'll teach you how to do that soon!


  1. I'm excited to hear about the flashlight! :) How different!

  2. These are cool! It's fun to see a different style. I like them both!

  3. Wedding invitations are so pretty, great to have a bit of class and elegance in the invitation. Love these. From Engagement Rings

  4. I love how you two styled these shots! I love the colors! Lovely job!

  5. Can't believe it, but I'd never seen this shoot before. It's so memorable and gorgeous. Thanks for posting!online makeup schools

  6. These are cool! It's fun to see a different style. I like them both!makeup artist website


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