housing needed

my 2 sweet sisters are having a tough time trying to find an apt in provo --i know you utah readers have great connections, so i figured i'd try for them. here's what's needed: 3 apt contracts for jan. preferably at university ave apts or lanai apts. thanks, friends. sorry for posting classifieds on my blog. :)


  1. Glenwood apartments at the corner of University Ave. and University Pkwy. A LOT of students live there at least once during their time in Provo. There are 6 wards in Glenwood, and I know that there are at least 3 posts on the bulletin board in my building of girls getting married and needing to sell their contracts. Good luck!

  2. I have a friend whose trying to sell her contract at Reynolds Condos. It's a private room, and it's really nice. http://provo.craigslist.org/roo/1460889135.html

  3. Two of my roommates are moving out after this semester to go to BYU-Hawaii, and I just moved out of my apartment (I just got married). They're at Sparks II apartments. They would all be able to be roommates, and this apartment is nicer than most of the others at the complex.

  4. i live at university ave apts and my roommate just moved out. so we have one contract/room free if they need! contact me at staceymork@yahoo.com if they are interested. good luck!

  5. uvu.edu/housing has all the stuff that is turned in there. and they dont need to be a student at uvu. i work there so if they have any questions they can call uvu.

  6. I have 2 contracts available in my apt at Old Academy. We live on the 4th floor and our ward includes chatsworth= amazing ward. love it here, very nice apt. They are welcome to come take a peek! email me for more info at emilystoddard@gmail.com

  7. I would suggest the Fleur de Liz apartments, they are on the corner of 300 North adn 300 East and are new, small complex, girls only, SUPER nice interior, 3 private bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry, fully furnished. I love them!

    good luck to the sisters :)

  8. I live south of BYU and know of a few people selling contracts. I live in such a fun ward. let me know if there is interest.

  9. We have two contracts available at Chatham Towne (6 minute walk to campus, right by the Creamery on 9th). It's an adorable 3 story condo with an extra storage room, plenty of parking, and a washing machine and dryer. It's a super social place and a great ward. Our roommates are awesome, we're just moving because we're both getting married! It's $325 a month and we'll pay the deposit. Thanks!
    -Kara Stevens. (925) 360-2594 karastevens11@yahoo.com


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