KSL Rave Recommendations Recap

Ugh. I'm such a dork. Anyway, here are my recommendations! For the links, click here. Also, I cannot figure out how to resize this video the right way, so you can watch the original here. (If you can help me, please do --just changing the dimensions in html isn't working correctly.)  I take pictures. I don't code. :)


  1. You did a terrific segment but I have to say: what the heck is WRONG with the camera person who filmed it? Good god, YOU were the guest, but they hardly showed you - - they kept the camera on the two anchors and not on you and when they did show "you", it was something you were holding. Occasionally, you'd come into the frame, when you'd reach in, or move over to demonstrate or show some lens or item. Honestly, pathetic work on the part of this station. You were the guest! Being interviewed and TRYING to give some helpful information about cameras, equipment, photography. The camera should have been on YOU, talking, demonstrating, and looking AT the two doofuses who stood there, on he screen for the entire segment! It was completely distracting, and just plain terrible work on their part. I mean, really - who would have a guest on the show, interview her, have her show her equipment and give tips...BUT NEVER PUT THE CAMERA ON HER THE ENTIRE TIME EXCEPT PRACTICALLY BY ACCIDENT? It was YOU who was the guest. I'm sure I cannot be the only person who thinks, "What the...???" I mean, those two hosts? Standing there and asking you questions, with you off camera practically the entire three-plus minute segment??? I'm sorry; you were great, but I'm just flabbergasted at how inept Studio 5 is in producing an interview segment. Nicole, seriously. Come on my website - The Beaches Online - we have a YouTube channel - and I promise you: you and I will do a segment where YOU will be the featured guest. You'll be shown doing exactly what you did on Studio 5, except that our camera will be on YOU, and you will be chatting with ME who will be largely off screen except for shots that might pull out occasionally, and show us both. What a missed opportunity for Studio 5. Who are they??

    You were great. But I was so incredibly distracted, and increasingly annoyed by having to look at THEM the whole time I wanted to see YOU, the guest, showing your lenses, etc... not just the lens in your hands with your chest as the backdrop!

    Sorry, I know i'm slamming the segment, but it's not YOU, it's whoever produced this. I just don't understand why they didn't know how the heck to feature an interview.

    Frustrated, but loved your presentation: it would have had a greater impact if they'd shown you, though!



  2. Oh! So they did do it correctly? My gosh, thank goodness! I was so annoyed with them.

    did you try embedding the video with the blog's settings on html and not on visual? that might have been what you meant; and that might work for WordPress not Blogger.

    I'll follow your links.

    Sorry for the rant. I was wildly annoyed to think they didn't even feature the guest in the video. :-)

  3. Try setting the width and then removing the height tag completely


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